Say hello to the future of file sharing

Kythi makes sharing files to anyone a breeze. With our easy to use interface, you can share files to anyone in seconds. No more waiting for files to upload, or having to deal with slow download speeds.

Why Kythi?

Kythi has many beneficial features that make it stand out from the rest. Here are some of our favorites.

Lightning fast

Kythi is built on the latest and greatest technology, allowing for blazing fast upload and download speeds.

Limitless uploads

Kythi will never limit your uploads. You can upload as many files as you want, whenever you want.

Privacy focused

Kythi's main priority is your privacy. We store the bare minimum, and your data will never be sold to third parties.

logoReady to get started with Kythi?

Create a free account today and start sharing files within minutes.